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SLZ and Associates provides computer support services and Internet business and personal site development services for home and business clients in the Northeast Ohio region.

Service is available for Cuyahoga, Lorain, Medina, Summit, Portage, Geauga and Lake counties.

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Disclaimers are necessary when publishing information that at times, may seem to mislead visitors to believe that they can expect certain results.

Income Disclaimer

Under no circumstance does SLZ and Associates guarantee that your business will grow, expand or experience any income or any other additional benefit by subscribing to or purchasing site services offered by SLZ and Associates. Your business income is directly related to your business activities, products and services. Sites designed, operated, maintained or supported by SLZ and Associates are designed to give site owners or subscribers alternative options for marketing their business, products and services.

Testimony Disclaimer

At times some sites maintained by SLZ and Associates may give testimony to results or performance of a business, product or service. All testimony is as accurate as possible at the time of publication, but under no circumstance should you conclude that your results would be the same as given in testimony by users of a business, product or service.

Software Disclaimer

Any software provided by SLZ and Associates at any time, is provided “as-is” at the moment you receive the software at the email address or residential address you provided for the receipt of software.